The Face off
La Pama Golden Knights Academy, precedentemente nota come Rango Pro Camps, è stata fondata nel 2020 dal giocatore e allenatore Pablo Navarro.
Dopo alcuni mesi, grandi nomi si sono uniti al progetto con l'obiettivo comune di portare l'hockey gratis in tutte le parti del mondo.
Our Dream
A britghter future...
Our dream is to bring hockey to all parts of the world. We want to: provide playing opportunities for players and coaches who were not born in "hockey countries"; making social inclusion in hopes it opens doors to leagues and university; deliver a world class coaches program that develops coaches who in return, can spread their knowledge locally within their communities.
Our Mission
... through hockey ...
Our mission is to give back to the sport we love. Adding social inclusion and combating any form of discrimination inside the sport.
Our Vision
... connecting people ...
We believe in people and we believe in the sport of hockey.
We want to connect these two things together and become the largest social hockey project in the world.
Our Values
... and making it happen.
Respect, lasting relationships
and good deeds.