Welcome to
Pama Guardian
It is very common within institutions that take care of countless sports, some of them do not thrive or thrive only for a short time. There are countless factors for which this happens; changes in political leadership, insuficient sponsorship support and sometimes simply due to lack of interest and preparation. If your country's inline hockey game is experiencing this or you just want to improve the sport, you are on the right page.
Pama Guardian aims to assist your national federation by bringing tools and actions which will have an immediate positve change.
From the first day, your national federation will have a staff of highly trained people working 24/7 on the most diverse topics such as:
structuring of staff and coaches,
marketing and branding,
training planning,
certification of local coaches,
increase in the number of athletes, coaches, referees and managers,
structuring a development program,
management of development teams and national teams,
and much more.